Much is now being written about the importance of data masking in data driven businesses and how de-sensitising data before sharing it to data consumers ensures the real production data stays where it should, in production, and all non-production environments only receive the anonymised data. Production is where the security of the data platform and infrastructure is taken very seriously, with strict design methodologies and controls in place to ensure the environment is hardened to the ‘nth degree.
But what about the platform and infrastructure employed to do the data masking and move the data around the organisation? These environments contain copies of the untouched production data and therefore must be treated with the same rigorous hardening processes as their production sources.
The Delphix Dynamic Data Platform (DDP) is the tool of choice enterprises turn to to fulfil their needs for rapid lightweight data movement and data anonymisation. Its features and benefits are unparalleled but, like any technology product, if implemented badly will leave wide gaping holes in the organisations otherwise secure infrastructure and effectively negate one of the core reasons for its being – to secure data.
Download our Enterprise DataOps Security Whitepaper to see the key areas of concern when implementing a secure enterprise ready Delphix DDP.